Juniperdale Farms & The Produce Crib

"We only sell what we grow!"
In order to offer the most delicious & nutritious fruits and veggies, we only sell our own, home grown produce, harvested at peak ripeness. This also allows for our customers to know where their food is coming from. If you have any questions...ask the farmers who produced it!
Get to know Juniperdale Farms
Juniperdale Farms has been family owned and operated for 4 generations. Founded in 1933, it began as a dairy and grain operation. We continued to milk cows until 2011. Currently, we are farming approximately 1000 acres, most in corn, soybeans, wheat and hay. In 1998, Brian Fulmer (3rd generation) decided to open a produce business. He built a roadside stand out of an old corn crib and named his business "The Produce Crib". He began selling a few odds and ends out of the garden, and expanded every year. We now farm approximately 25 acres of produce; including berries, sweet corn, pumpkins, tree fruits, and vegetables. We have 3 high tunnels for early and late season production and a greenhouse to start our plants. We are a SEASONAL produce stand, opening in late April and closing November 30th. See the "Products" page for a detailed list of what we offer and the approximate times they are ready throughout the season.
We are a family business, but farming is not our occupation. Its our way of life. We are very passionate about what we do, and work hard every day to provide the best products for you, our valued customer and friend.
We are open seasonally from late April through November.
*Watch for signs, check social media, or contact us for exact date of opening*
Monday-Saturday: 10am-6pm
Sunday: 10am-5pm
*Please note*
the BEST way to contact us is to call or text

Because we only sell what we grow, we are open seasonally. Approximately from late April through November.

are available year round!

Come and see the farm animals including, a pig, goats, horses, donkeys, cattle, and chickens!

Now selling homemade jams, pickles, and salsa from our home grown products.

Now selling hand crafted & hand painted gourds-made from gourds grown on the farm. A very unique decoration or gift!

@ Juniperdale Farms and The Produce Crib


We offer pick your own opportunities! Visit the "activities" page, or contact us for more info! PYO products include: strawberries, pumpkins, cherries, and black raspberries

We participate in Northampton County's Open Gate Farm Tour every October. Tour the local farms, and stop by to see what we have to offer!

At least once in your lifetime you will need a doctor, lawyer, policeman, and a preacher, but everyday, 3 times a day, you need a FARMER.

We look forward to seeing you this season!
Please give us your feed back on ANYTHING! >>>the website, our products, our customer service, your like and dislikes... we want to hear from YOU!